- Firefox或Safari:按住Shift的同时单击刷新,或按Ctrl-F5或Ctrl-R(Mac为⌘-R)
- Google Chrome:按Ctrl-Shift-R(Mac为⌘-Shift-R)
- Internet Explorer或Edge:按住Ctrl的同时单击刷新,或按Ctrl-F5
- Opera:按 Ctrl-F5。
/** * Add a small dropdown menu to the search box to add the [[Wikimedia technical search]]. * * Created by [[d:User:Bene*]] */ // <nowiki> ( function ( mw, $ ) { var i18nData = { 'en': { 'title': 'Google for wiki tech', 'description': 'Use the custom Wikimedia technical Google search', 'placeholder': 'Google for wiki tech' } }; if( $( 'body' ).is( '.rtl' ) ) { i18nData.en.dir = 'rtl'; i18nData.en.left = 'right'; i18nData.en.right = 'left'; } else { i18nData.en.dir = 'ltr'; i18nData.en.left = 'left'; i18nData.en.right = 'right'; } var i18nLang = mw.config.get( 'wgUserLanguage' ), lang = i18nLang.split( '-' )[0]; if( !( i18nLang in i18nData ) ) { i18nLang = 'en'; } /** * Returns the localized version of a message. */ function i18n( key ) { if( i18nData[ i18nLang ].hasOwnProperty( key ) ) { return i18nData[ i18nLang ][ key ]; } else { return i18nData.en[ key ]; } } function toggle() { $( '#improvedsearch' ).toggle( 'fast' ); $( '.improvedsearch-page' ).focus(); } function init() { var $improvedSearch = $( '<form>' ) .attr( { id: 'improvedsearch', action: '' } ) .append( $( '<div>' ) .attr( 'id', 'simpleSearch' ) // This is a hack. .append( $( '<input>' ) .attr( { type: 'hidden', name: 'cx', value: '010768530259486146519:twowe4zclqy' } ) ) .append( $( '<input>' ) .attr( { id: 'searchInput', // This is a hack. 'class': 'improvedsearch-page', type: 'text', accesskey: 'g', title: i18n( 'title' ) + ' [g]', name: 'q', autocomplete: 'off', placeholder: i18n( 'placeholder' ) } ) ) .append( $( '<input>' ) .attr( { id: 'searchButton', // This is a hack. 'class': 'searchButton', type: 'submit', title: i18n( 'description' ), value: i18n( 'title' ) } ) ) ); if( mw.config.get( 'skin' ) === 'vector' ) { $( '#p-search' ).append( $improvedSearch ); $( '#improvedsearch' ).hide( 0 ); var toggleCss = { width: '20px', height: '1.3em' }; toggleCss['margin-' + i18n( 'left' )] = '14.5em'; toggleCss['margin-' + i18n( 'right' )] = '-0.8em'; toggleCss['margin-top'] = '-23px'; toggleCss['background-image'] = 'linear-gradient(rgba(0, 0, 0, 0), rgba(0, 0, 0, 0)), url("")'; toggleCss['background-position'] = 'center'; $( '#searchform' ).after( $( '<div>' ) .attr( { id: 'improvedsearch-toggle', 'class': 'vectorMenu', title: i18n( 'title' ) } ) .css( toggleCss ) .click( toggle ) ); } else if( $( '#searchBody' ).length ) { $( '#searchBody' ).append( '<br>' ).append( $improvedSearch ); } // Call updateTooltipAccessKeys() after inserting into DOM tree // to get a localized access key label in Firefox (bug 67946) $( '.improvedsearch-page' ).updateTooltipAccessKeys(); } $( document ).ready( init ); } ( mediaWiki, jQuery ) ); // </nowiki>