
Yuanxing14留言 | 贡献2015年2月6日 (五) 15:49的版本 (创建页面,内容为“// Need a nowiki tag here since MediaWiki allows TemplateData to parse this code as wikitext... // <nowiki> ( function ( $, mw ) { /** * TemplateDataGenerator gen...”)
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// Need a nowiki tag here since MediaWiki allows TemplateData to parse this code as wikitext...
// <nowiki>
( function ( $, mw ) {
	 * TemplateDataGenerator generates the json string for templatedata
	 * or reads existing templatedata string and allows for it to be edited
	 * with a visual modal GUI.
	 * @author Moriel Schottlender (Mooeypoo)
	mw.libs.TemplateDataGenerator = ( function () {

		var glob = {};

		/* Helper Private Methods */

		 * Show an error message in the main Edit screen
		 * @param {string} msg
		function showErrorEditPage ( msg ) {
			glob.domObjects.$errorBox.text( msg ).show();

		 * Helper function to clean up the aliases string-to-array
		 * @param {str} Comma separated string
		 * @returns {array} Cleaned-up alias array
		function cleanupAliasArray ( str ) {
			return $.map( str.split(','), function( item ) {
				if ( $.trim( item ).length > 0 ) {
					return $.trim( item );
			} );

		 * Show an error message in the GUI
		 * @param {string} msg
		function showErrorModal ( msg ) {
			glob.domObjects.$errorModalBox.text( msg ).show();

		 * Create <select> for parameter type based on the
		 * options given by { key:value }
		 * @param {obj} options
		 * @returns {DOM} <select> object
		function createTypeSelect ( opts ) {
			var $sel, op;
			$sel = $( '<select>' );
			for ( op in opts ) {
				$sel.append( $( '<option>' ).val( op ).text( opts[ op ] ) );
			return $sel;

		 * Parse the json information from the wikitext
		 * if it exists, and prepare DOM elements from
		 * the parameters into the global param dom json
		 * @param {string} wikitext
		 * @returns {obj} parameters json
		function parseTemplateData ( wikitext ) {
			var attrb,
				arrayParamNamesForTrimming = [],
				jsonParams = {},
				parts = wikitext.match(

			// Check if <templatedata> exists
			if ( parts && parts[2] ) {
				// Make sure it's not empty:
				if ( $.trim( parts[2] ).length > 0 ) {
					try {
						jsonParams = $.parseJSON( $.trim( parts[2] ) );
					} catch ( err ) {
						//oops, JSON isn't proper:
						showErrorEditPage( mw.msg( 'templatedatagenerator-errormsg-jsonbadformat' ) );
						return {};
				} else {
					glob.curr.newTemplate = true;

				// See if jsonParams has 'params'
				if ( jsonParams && jsonParams.params ) {
					// add dom elements to the json data params:
					for ( param in jsonParams.params ) {
						// trim parameter key if it contains trailing/leading whitespace:
						trimmedParam = $.trim( param );
						// insert into the array for later trimming:
						if ( trimmedParam !== param ) {
							arrayParamNamesForTrimming.push( param );

						glob.curr.paramDomElements[trimmedParam] = {};
						// Create dom elements per parameter
						for ( attrb in glob.paramBase ) {
							// Set up the dom element:
							if ( attrb === 'type' ) {
								$tmpDom = createTypeSelect( glob.paramTypes );
							} else {
								$tmpDom = glob.paramBase[attrb].dom;
							glob.curr.paramDomElements[trimmedParam][attrb] = $tmpDom.clone( true );
							glob.curr.paramDomElements[trimmedParam][attrb].data( 'paramid', trimmedParam );
							glob.curr.paramDomElements[trimmedParam][attrb].addClass( 'tdg-element-attr-' + attrb );

						// Set up the 'delete' button:
							.text( mw.msg( 'templatedatagenerator-modal-button-delparam' ) )
							.addClass( 'tdg-param-del' )
							.attr( 'id', 'tdg-param-del' )
							.data( 'paramid', trimmedParam );

				// Trim the params we need to in the json object param keys:
				$.each( arrayParamNamesForTrimming, function( index, paramid ) {
					trimmedParam = $.trim( paramid );
					jsonParams.params[trimmedParam] = jsonParams.params[paramid];
					delete jsonParams.params[paramid];
				} );
			return jsonParams;

		 * Checks the wikitext for template parameters and imports
		 * those that aren't yet in the templatedata list.
		 * Adapted from
		function importTemplateParams( wikitext ) {
			var paramExtractor = /{{3,}(.*?)[<|}]/mg,
				newParam, matches, $row, paramCounter = 0,
				existingParamNamesArray = [], paramName, paramID;

			// fill up the existingParamNameArray with GUI params
			// So we can test against it while importing:
			// We should go by param name, not param ID, because
			// if the param is new, its id is new_randomString, and so
			// the actual representation is the value of the name field.
			for ( paramID in glob.curr.paramDomElements ) {
				paramName = $.trim( glob.curr.paramDomElements[paramID].name.val() );
				// validate
				if (
					paramName.length > 0 &&
					!paramName.match( /[\|=]|}}/ ) &&
					!glob.curr.paramDomElements[paramID].tdgMarkedForDeletion &&
					$.inArray( paramName, existingParamNamesArray ) === -1
				) {
					existingParamNamesArray.push( paramName );

			while ( ( matches = paramExtractor.exec( wikitext ) ) !== null ) {
				paramName = $.trim( matches[1] );
				// make sure the template itself is not giving us bad params:
				if (
					paramName.length === 0 &&
					paramName.match( /[\|=]|}}/ )
				) {
				// Make sure the param doesn't already exist in the GUI
				if ( $.inArray( paramName, existingParamNamesArray ) > -1 ) {
					// This is dupe, ignore it
				} else {
					// Add name to the existingParamNamesArray:
					existingParamNamesArray.push( paramName );

					// add to domParams:
					newParam = addParam(); paramName )	;
					$row = translateParamToRowDom( newParam );
					glob.domObjects.$modalTable.append( $row );

			if ( paramCounter === 0 ) {
				showErrorModal( mw.msg( 'templatedatagenerator-modal-errormsg-import-noparams' ) );
			} else {
				showErrorModal( mw.msg( 'templatedatagenerator-modal-notice-import-numparams', paramCounter ) );

		 * Create a <table> DOM with initial headings for the parameters
		 * The table headings will go by the glob.paramBase
		 * @returns {DOM} Table
		function createParamTableDOM () {
			var $tbl, $tr, attrb;

			$tr = $( '<tr>' );
			for ( attrb in glob.paramBase ) {
					$( '<th>' )
						.html( glob.paramBase[attrb].label )
						.addClass( 'tdg-title-' + attrb )

			$tbl = $( '<table>' )
				.addClass( 'tdg-editTable' )
				.append( $tr );

			return $tbl;

		 * Create a <table> DOM with initial headings for the parameters
		 * The table headings will go by the glob.paramBase
		 * @returns {DOM} Table
		function translateParamToRowDom ( paramAttrObj ) {
			var $tdDom,
				paramid = 'paramid' );

			$trDom = $( '<tr>' )
				.attr( 'id', 'param-' + paramid )
				.data( 'paramid', paramid );

			// Go over the attributes for <td>s:
			for ( paramAttr in paramAttrObj ) {
				// Check if value already exists for this in the original json:
				if (
					glob.curr.paramsJson &&
					glob.curr.paramsJson.params &&
					glob.curr.paramsJson.params[paramid] &&
				) {
					// make sure we set the value correctly based on the DOM element:
					if ( paramAttrObj[paramAttr].prop('type') === 'checkbox' ) {
						paramAttrObj[paramAttr].prop( 'checked', glob.curr.paramsJson.params[paramid][paramAttr] );
					} else {
						paramAttrObj[paramAttr].val( glob.curr.paramsJson.params[paramid][paramAttr] );
				$tdDom = $( '<td>' ).html( paramAttrObj[paramAttr] ).addClass( 'tdg-attr-' + paramAttr );
				// Add label to 'required' checkbox:
				if ( paramAttr === 'required' ) {
						$( '<label>' )
							.attr( 'for', paramAttr + '_paramid_' + paramid )
							.text( glob.paramBase.required.label )
				$trDom.append( $tdDom );
			// Set up the name:
			if ( glob.curr.paramsJson && glob.curr.paramsJson.params && glob.curr.paramsJson.params[paramid] ) {
				$trDom.find( '.tdg-element-attr-name' ).val( paramid );

			return $trDom;

		 * Add an empty parameter to the paramDomElements list
		 * @returns {dom} <tr> row of the param
		function addParam () {
			var attrb,
				// Create a unique identifier for paramid:
				paramid = 'new_' + $.now();

			// Add to the DOM object:
			glob.curr.paramDomElements[paramid] = {};

			for ( attrb in glob.paramBase ) {
				// Set up the dom element:
				if ( attrb === 'type' ) {
					$tmpDom = createTypeSelect( glob.paramTypes );
				} else {
					$tmpDom = glob.paramBase[attrb].dom;
				glob.curr.paramDomElements[paramid][attrb] = $tmpDom.clone( true );
				glob.curr.paramDomElements[paramid][attrb].data( 'paramid', paramid );
				glob.curr.paramDomElements[paramid][attrb].attr( 'id', attrb + '_paramid_' + paramid );
				glob.curr.paramDomElements[paramid][attrb].addClass( 'tdg-element-attr-' + attrb );

			// Set up the 'delete' button:
				.text( mw.msg( 'templatedatagenerator-modal-button-delparam' ) )
				.addClass( 'tdg-param-del' )
				.attr( 'id', 'tdg-param-del' )
				.data( 'paramid', paramid );

			return glob.curr.paramDomElements[paramid];

		 * Validate the Modal inputs before continuing to the actual 'apply'
		 * @returns {boolean} Passed validation or not.
		function validateForm () {
			var paramID,
				paramNameArray = [],
				passed = true,
				paramProblem = false;
			// Reset:
			$( '.tdgerror' ).removeClass( 'tdgerror' );
			// Go over the paramDomElements object, look for:
			// * empty name fields
			// * duplicate *name* values:
			// * illegal characters in name fields: pipe, equal, }}
			for ( paramID in glob.curr.paramDomElements ) {
				paramProblem = false;
				// trim:
				paramName = glob.curr.paramDomElements[paramID].name.val();
				glob.curr.paramDomElements[paramID].name.val( paramName );

				// ignore if the param was flagged for deletion:
				if ( glob.curr.paramDomElements[paramID].tdgMarkedForDeletion ) {

				// Name field is empty:
				if ( paramName.length === 0 ) {
					passed = false;
					paramProblem = true;

				// Check for illegal characters in param name:
				if ( paramName.match( /[\|=]|}}/ ) ) {
					passed = false;
					paramProblem = true;

				// Check for dupes:
				if ( $.inArray( paramName, paramNameArray ) > -1 ) {
					// This is dupe!
					passed = false;
					paramProblem = true;
				} else {
					paramNameArray.push( paramName );

				if ( paramProblem ) {
					glob.domObjects.$modalTable.find( '#param-' + paramID ).addClass( 'tdgerror' );
			return passed;

		 * Reset the GUI completely, including the domElements and the json
		function globalReset () {
			// Reset Modal GUI:
			// Reset vars:
			glob.curr = {
				newTemplate: false,
				paramDomElements: {},
				paramsJson: {}

		 * Create i18n-compatible Modal Buttons
		 * also contains the 'apply' functionality
		 * @param {string} btnApply the text for the 'apply' button
		 * @param {string} btnCancel the text for the 'cancel' button
		 * @returns {Array} Button objects with their functionality, for the modal
		function i18nModalButtons ( btnApply, btnCancel ) {
			var modalButtons = {};

			modalButtons[btnApply] = function () {
				var paramid,
					wikitext = glob.domObjects.$wikitextEditorBox.val(),
					// compare the original to the new changes
					outputJson = glob.curr.paramsJson,
					finalOutput = '',

				if ( !validateForm() ) {
					showErrorModal( mw.msg( 'templatedatagenerator-modal-errormsg' ) );
				} else {
					// Update the description:
					outputJson.description = $( '.tdg-template-description' ).val();
					// First check if there's outpuJaon.params:
					if ( !outputJson.params ) {
						outputJson.params = {};
					// Go over the parameters, check if param was marked as deleted
					// in curr.paramsJson
					for ( paramid in glob.curr.paramDomElements ) {
						domElements = glob.curr.paramDomElements[paramid];
						// Get the name of the param:
						paramName =;

						// New parameter added
						if ( !outputJson.params[paramName] ) {
							paramObj = outputJson.params[paramName] = {};
						// Parameter marked for deletion:
						if ( domElements.tdgMarkedForDeletion ) {
							delete outputJson.params[paramName];
							// move to next iteration:
						} else {
							paramObj = outputJson.params[paramName];

						// Go over the properties that have DOM elements
						for ( paramProp in domElements ) {
							propExists = ( paramObj.hasOwnProperty( paramProp ) );
							$domEl = domElements[paramProp];
							// check if value changed:
							switch ( paramProp ) {
								case 'name':
								case 'delbutton':
								case 'aliases':
									newValue = cleanupAliasArray( $domEl.val() );
									if ( propExists && newValue.sort().join( '|' ) !== paramObj.aliases.sort().join( '|' ) ) {
										// replace:
										if ( newValue.length === 0 ) {
											delete paramObj.aliases;
										} else {
											paramObj.aliases = newValue;
									} else if ( !propExists ) {
										if ( newValue.length > 0 ) {
											paramObj.aliases = newValue;
								case 'description':
								case 'default':
								case 'label':
									newValue = $domEl.val();
									if ( paramObj[paramProp] !== newValue ) {
										if ( !newValue || newValue.length === 0 ) {
											delete paramObj[paramProp];
										} else {
											paramObj[paramProp] = newValue;
								case 'type':
									newValue = $domEl.val();
									if ( paramObj[paramProp] !== newValue ) {
										if ( newValue === 'undefined' ) {
											delete paramObj[paramProp];
										} else {
											paramObj[paramProp] = newValue;
								case 'required':
									newValue = $domEl.prop( 'checked' );
									if ( paramObj[paramProp] !== newValue && propExists ) {
											paramObj[paramProp] = newValue;


					// Check if we started with existing <templatedata> tags:
					if ( wikitext.match(
							/(<templatedata>)([\s\S]*?)(<\/templatedata>)/i) ) {
						// replace the <templatedata> tags
						finalOutput = wikitext.replace(
							'<templatedata>\n' + JSON.stringify( outputJson, null, '	' ) + '\n</templatedata>'

					} else {
						// add <templatedata> tags:
						finalOutput = wikitext + '\n<templatedata>\n';
						finalOutput += JSON.stringify( outputJson, null, '	' );
						finalOutput += '\n</templatedata>';
					// Append the json string:
					glob.domObjects.$wikitextEditorBox.val( finalOutput );
					// Close the modal:
					glob.domObjects.$modalBox.dialog( 'close' );

			modalButtons[btnCancel] = function () {
				glob.domObjects.$modalBox.dialog( 'close' );

			return modalButtons;

		/** Public Methods **/
		return {
			 * Injects required DOM elements to the edit screen
			init: function () {
				// Prepare the globals:
				glob = {
					paramBase: {
						name: {
							label: mw.msg( 'templatedatagenerator-modal-table-param-name' ),
							dom: $( '<input>' )
						aliases: {
							label: mw.msg( 'templatedatagenerator-modal-table-param-aliases' ),
							dom: $( '<input>' )
						label: {
							label: mw.msg( 'templatedatagenerator-modal-table-param-label' ),
							dom: $( '<input>' )
						description: {
							label: mw.msg( 'templatedatagenerator-modal-table-param-desc' ),
							dom: $( '<textarea>' )
						type: {
							label: mw.msg( 'templatedatagenerator-modal-table-param-type' ),
							dom: $( '<select>' )
						'default': {
							label: mw.msg( 'templatedatagenerator-modal-table-param-default' ),
							dom: $( '<textarea>' )
						'required': {
							label: mw.msg( 'templatedatagenerator-modal-table-param-required' ),
							dom: $( '<input type="checkbox" />' )
						delbutton: {
							label: mw.msg( 'templatedatagenerator-modal-table-param-actions' ),
							dom: $( '<button>' )
								.addClass( 'tdg-param-button-del buttonRed' )
								.click( function () {
									var paramid = $( this ).data( 'paramid' );
									// flag as DELETED in glob.curr.paramDomElements[paramid] (property tdgDELETED)
									if (glob.curr.paramDomElements[paramid]) {
										glob.curr.paramDomElements[paramid].tdgMarkedForDeletion = true;
									// delete the DOM row from table:
									// (Don't delete property from paramDomElements,
									// so when we go over the DOM elements on 'apply' this
									// parameter is recognized as marked for deletion)
									$( '#param-' + paramid ).remove();
								} )
					paramTypes: {
						'undefined': mw.msg( 'templatedatagenerator-modal-table-param-type-undefined' ),
						'number': mw.msg( 'templatedatagenerator-modal-table-param-type-number' ),
						'string': mw.msg( 'templatedatagenerator-modal-table-param-type-string' ),
						'string/wiki-user-name': mw.msg( 'templatedatagenerator-modal-table-param-type-user' ),
						'string/wiki-page-name': mw.msg( 'templatedatagenerator-modal-table-param-type-page' )
					domObjects: {
						$editButton: $( '<button>' )
							.addClass( 'tdg-editscreen-main-button' )
							.text( mw.msg( 'templatedatagenerator-editbutton' ) ),
						$errorBox: $( '<div>' )
							.addClass( 'tdg-editscreen-error-msg' )
						$errorModalBox: $( '<div>' )
							.addClass( 'tdg-errorbox' )
						$modalBox: $( '<div>' )
							.addClass( 'tdg-editscreen-modal-form' )
							.attr( 'id', 'modal-box' )
							.attr( 'title', mw.msg( 'templatedatagenerator-modal-title' ) )
						$modalTable: {},
						$wikitextEditorBox: {}
					curr: {
						newTemplate: false,
						paramDomElements: {},
						paramsJson: {}

				// Prepend to document:
				$( '#mw-content-text' )
					.prepend( glob.domObjects.$modalBox )
					.prepend( glob.domObjects.$errorBox )
					.prepend( glob.domObjects.$editButton );

			 * Create the modal screen and populate it with existing
			 * data, if available
			 * @param {string} existing article wikitext
			 * @returns {DOM} modal div
			createModal: function ( wikitextBox ) {
				var $row,

				// Reset:

				glob.domObjects.$wikitextEditorBox = wikitextBox;
				$descBox = $( '<textarea>' ).addClass( 'tdg-template-description' );
				glob.domObjects.$modalTable = createParamTableDOM();

				// Parse JSON:
				glob.curr.paramsJson = parseTemplateData( glob.domObjects.$wikitextEditorBox.val() );
				if ( !$.isEmptyObject( glob.curr.paramsJson ) ) {
					if ( glob.curr.paramsJson.description ) {
						$descBox.val( glob.curr.paramsJson.description );
					// Build the parameter row DOMs:
					for ( paramObj in glob.curr.paramDomElements ) {
						// make the row:
						$row = translateParamToRowDom( glob.curr.paramDomElements[paramObj] );
						glob.domObjects.$modalTable.append( $row );

				// Build the Modal window:
					.append( $( '<h3>' )
						.addClass( 'tdg-title' )
						.text( mw.msg( 'templatedatagenerator-modal-title-templatedesc' ) )
					.append( $descBox )
					.append( glob.domObjects.$errorModalBox )
					.append( $( '<h3>' )
						.addClass( 'tdg-title' )
						.text( mw.msg( 'templatedatagenerator-modal-title-templateparams' ) )
						$( '<button>' )
							.text( mw.msg( 'templatedatagenerator-modal-button-importParams' ) )
							.addClass( 'tdg-addparam' )
							.click( function () {
								// TODO: Check that we're not in the /doc subpage
								importTemplateParams( glob.domObjects.$wikitextEditorBox.val() );
							} ) )
					.append( glob.domObjects.$modalTable )
						$( '<button>' )
							.text( mw.msg( 'templatedatagenerator-modal-button-addparam' ) )
							.addClass( 'tdg-addparam' )
							.click( function () {
								var newParam = addParam(),
									$row = translateParamToRowDom( newParam );
									glob.domObjects.$modalTable.append( $row );
						} )

				glob.domObjects.$modalBox.dialog( {
					autoOpen: false,
					height: window.innerHeight * 0.8,
					width: window.innerWidth * 0.8,
					modal: true,
					buttons: i18nModalButtons(
						mw.msg( 'templatedatagenerator-modal-buttons-apply' ),
						mw.msg( 'templatedatagenerator-modal-buttons-cancel' )
					close: function () {
				} );

				// Return the modal object
				return glob.domObjects.$modalBox;
	} )();
}( jQuery, mediaWiki ) );